25 Years of Mugen – Battle Stormer Classics

Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would reach this milestone: 25 years working with Mugen!

Unless I’m mistaken, today I’m the oldest programmer on the engine who is still active. Or at least among the 3 oldest, for sure.

I started in December 1999 (the engine was released in the middle of the same year), I saw many sites/forums/communities come and go – MugenBR, Pão de Mugen, MugenNow, TESTP, Charasoon, Oolong Mugen Bookmark… I miss old friends like Bea, Carnificina, Ex-Inferis, Juan Carlos (RIP) and some I still talk to today, like RyounWin… the list is huge and my memory is no longer the same 😉

Wow, the first community I joined was the Mugen channel on IRC!

Things that didn’t exist in 1999:
Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Streaming, Wikipedia, Alexa, iPhone, broadband Internet in Brazil, Google was only 1 year old.

Famous things in 1999:
IRC, Blackberry, RealJukebox, Winamp, ICQ

Things were definitely different than they are today, both in Mugen and in real life. In a few years, I’ll be 50 years old and I don’t know if I’ll still be here, but as long as I’m having fun with it and have the health to do it, I’ll be here 🙂

Thank you very much to all of you who have followed me so far!

And to celebrate this milestone, I’m updating my favorite Mugen work: Battle Stormer Classics.



Version 2.5 contains:

  • New mechanic: Invincible recovery time. After the player is knocked down, he becomes invincible for a few seconds, giving him more time to escape the enemy – except for Super Man and Hulk
  • 26 playable characters with 3 new:
    Snake, from P.O.W (Arcade)
    BRW-9, from Contra Rebirth (Wii)
  • 37+ bosses / non-playable characters with 6 new:
    Archers (King of Dragons / SNES),
    Ograoum Papas and Little Clown (Mr. Nutz / SNES),
    Bib Fortuna (Super Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi / SNES),
    Boba Fett (Super Star Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back / SNES)
    James (Demon Hunter Legend / Mobile)
    Elephant Dragon (Skyblazer / SNES)
    Mecha Kangaroo (Super Turrican / SNES)
    Eborsisk (Willow / Arcade)
  • 49+ stages, with 5 new
    Mr Nutz Cloud, Mr Nutz Circus, Super Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi Tatooine,
    Demon Junker Legend original stage
    Stage 2 (Hagane/SNES)
    Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin – Forgotten City (DS)

Download: https://gamejolt.com/games/battle-stormer-classics/14507

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