Spiderman by ZVitor v1.2
*updated to versin 1.2
O livro está sobre a mesa! Para celebrar minha entrada em meu primeiro time de Mugen estou lançando o que pra mim é como o homem-aranha da capcom deveria ser se fosse mais fiél aos quadrinhos, meu #8 char.
A partir de agora meus chars serão hospedados aqui e em seus respectivos projetos forums. Futuramente os upgrades de chars antigos serão lançados aqui também.
mais informações sobre esse homem aranha ou sobre mim aqui:
Spiderman by ZVitor – Infinitywiki
É nós na fita mano.
The book is on the table! To celebrate my enter in my first mugen team im releasing my vison from Spiderman, if capcom was more acurate with comics, my #8 char. From now my chars will be hosted here and in they project forums. In future when i upgrade old chars they will e released here too.
more info about my spiderman or about me here:
Spiderman by ZVitor – Infinitywiki
Is us on the tape brother!.
Edit: v1.1 Notes.
He’s Back (again)
– Default MvC combos (somes airs dont work, they are different to link with web pull)
– new stance, more taller, less dancer.
– +1 winpose
– more movement in maximum spider
– walk in top of screen only after wall climb
– no more “infinity” web bullets hits
– fixed camera movement while wall atacks
– no more hit fall enemys (only with web pull)
– spider sense slow motion only at start of enemy atacks
– add sounds to wall atacks
sry but no more sounds updates to 1.1 …
Download Here:
Spiderman v1.1