Emma Frost by xfields, Eclipse and ZVitor v1.0

Emma Frost

Project X Renasce!!!
Meu char #12, Eu sou grato por ter ajudado a trazer pro mugen um dos meus personagens favoritos dos quadrinhos, Obrigado XFields e Eclipse por isso, Emma é a perfeita antítese para o Ciclope, isso faz os dois personagens mais fortes, então continue morta Jean Grey.
Esse é um char bastante fiél a Hq, mas XFields/Eclipse continuam preparando mais surpresas pro futuro, divirta-se com a Miss Frost mugenizada.
Project X Reborn!!!
My char #12, Im Glad to help to bring one of my favorite comics char to mugen, thanks XFields and Eclipse for that, Emma is the perfect antithesis to Cyclops, it make boths chars more strong, so stay dead Jean Grey.
This char is really comic acurate, but XFields/Eclipse still cooking more surprises for future, enjoy Miss Frost mugenized.

More info about my wips here:
ZVitor – Infinitywiki

Eclipse site:
Eclipse’ Lair

Download here:
Emma Frost

Is us on the tape brother!.

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Emma Frost by xfields, Eclipse and ZVitor v1.0, 8.4 out of 10 based on 23 ratings
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