The Spider and Spider-Man game

Update: hey Matt McMuscles, really thanks for the coverage!
If you haven’t saw his video yet, check it bellow (at 7:07 mark)

Spider was the red-headed Peter Parker of Earth-15, a mass murderer who merged with the Carnage symbiote. As a sociopath who “liked hurting people”, Peter had a sense of humor akin to Deadpool.

===| INFO |===

The Spider by “Spider9696, YoungSamurai5 and O Ilusionista”
Date: 11/04/2013 – 06/03/2023
Version: 1.0
Mugen Version: 1.0+
Char number: 56

===| PREVIEW |===

===| VIDEO |===


===| DOWNLOAD |===

Standalone character:

Full game download:

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The Spider and Spider-Man game, 8.4 out of 10 based on 87 ratings
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