Snake Man (RMM)

=========== | Snake Man |==========

Sprited By: Laspacho
Coded By: DCL
Additional Coding for Power sets, Bug fixes, and other Goodies: O Ilusionista
Mugen: Mugen 1.0
Data: 27/12/2017
Char number: 71

Another character from the RMM with whom I had the pleasure to work. I think it’s one of the best Laspacho spriting jobs and DCL did a great job programming the whole character, and it’s up to me to just do the PowerSets and finalize other things.

Unfortunately, this character was leaked ahead of time, in a place already known for his bad name – and I ended up finding out that it is run by people of the same level.

This is the official version, which has improvements and repairs that the leaked version does not have (although who likes leaked content usually does not call it, since they are like drug addicts – they just want what they want, no matter how).

I’m aware that this character still has some problems and that’s why (and for other reasons) I’m launching it today, so I get feeedbacks.

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Character Movelists

QCF+P: Acid Spit
QCB+P: Search Snake
DP+P: Snake Upper

D, D, any button: Change Weapon
LP: Hammer Joe
MP: Acid Drop
HP: Acid Pool
LK: Acid Burst
MK: Acid Flush
HK: Snake Summon
QCF+K: Use Weapon

QCF+PP: Snake Hunter
QCB+PP: Searching Prey
QCF+KK: Snake Legion
QCB+KK: Dead Pool (Lv.3)


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