Red Cyclone

To celebrate my 23 years working with Mugen, I’m releasing an update of the Red Cyclone character, which is part of the Street Fighter Spec Ops project, started in 2002.

For those who don’t know, it’s a project that takes place in an alternative future, after the events of Street Fighter 3. Some features of the project:

  • Alternate versions of the characters
  • Effects with specific colors for each character
  • Pretty aggressive AI
  • High damage.

Gameplay has been expanded, with new special moves and supers, as well as an alternate mode called “Obsidian Body”, our take on MVC’s “Mecha Zangief”.

It works in Mugen version 1.0 and onwards (although the game uses the 1.1 engine).

Red Cyclone was the first character to use the grab system I created called GrabSys, which simulates the gameplay of wrestling games, triggered by input forward (or backward) + two punch or kick buttons. From there, almost 20 possible moves can be performed (read the manual for more details).

I hope you like it and that another 20 years will come… or not 🙂

==| Credits |==

Red Cyclone by O Ilusionista & Ethan Lives & Jeffpr. Thanks MamboJambo, MMR and others.
Red Cyclone’s Arena by O Ilusionista, Kazuya & AVPboy6754. Music by WizzyWhipitWonderful.

What is VEGSYS?

VEGSYS, Versus Grab System, is a wrestler grab system from old-school wrestling games, that I liked on the past, and I’ve decide to bring it back. Basically, you can fight normal as a versus character but, wiht this system, you can grab your opponent (who remain on that position for a short time) and there choose what you want to do with the poor victim Smiley

There is a lot of movies on this mode, some are exclusive for this mode, some aren’t avaliable. The exclusive feature are:

– Irish whip, the well know move that throw the opponent to the ropes, and it comes back to you.
– Normal grab moves, that can “chain” (link) onto another moves, called Super throws, which consumes a bit power.
– Can grab your enemy from behind and execute different moves.
– OTG, On the Ground moves, moves that could be while the opponent is on the ground. (not implemented yet)

About the gameplay:

His gameplay is based more on wrestling games styles than versus style, beside he can made some versus moves, like superjump, etc. But as he is a grapler, and a very fierce one, his grab moves could be chained into grab combos, like Tekken games. But BEWARE…with this, he could do huge amout of damage, like 60-80% damage…even 100% damage moves, but the combos’s moviments gets harder and harder to do, like – QCF, HCF, HCFQCB, 360º,720º, etc.

On other words: He is a Mammoth, can step over you really kick, besides his AI is on the early Stages. The word is STAY AWAY FROM HIM…or you will suffer  laugh

You can download his Stage here:

Nome: Red Cyclone
Mugen: 1.0
Versão: 101%
data: 14/12/08 – updated 18/12/2022
Tamanho: 5,3MB
char nº: 13
by O Ilusionista & Ethan Lives & Jeffpr

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