[DEMO] Pocket Dimensional Clash 2

=============== ABOUT ===============
Pocket Dimensional Clash 2 is a beat ’em up game, like the good and old Streets or Rage, Final Fight and many others and its a spiritual successor from the original Pocket Dimensional Clash, for Mugen engine.
The game is still in early stages, so any feeback is very welcome!
=============== HISTORY ===============
You will go visiting different dimensions (games), fixing the timeline (Like in the Exiles comics) lead by Blink (Marvel, ClariceFerguson(Earth-295)).So you will see chars from different games together.
Playable chars until now (can be changed on the future)
Reayon – Power Moves
Captain Commando – Captain Commando series
Blink – (Marvel)

=============== CREDITS ===============
Coding and concept: O Ilusionista
Reayon sprites: Heaven-e-hell
Captain Commando sprites : Banxman3
Blink sprites: Jhfer
Special thanks: Zvitor, BloodBane, Damon Caskey, Jhfer, Ulisan and others for the support.
=============== VIDEO ===============
I know I am forgeting someone, please contact me if I forgot you.
=============== DOWNLOAD ===============
Windows, Linux, WII and Android versions at my GameJolt Page