Isaiah Bradley by Cormano and ZVitor v0.7
O Verdadeiro Capitão America
Meu char #10, Cormano já tinha esse wip a algum tempo e me procurou pra programa-lo, estamos lançando a versão beta pra comemorar o evento de previews da CVG ainda faltam algumas coisas, as principais são:
– A voz Kojunho
– Smart Pallet Pra bandana
– e o Escudo
The Truth Captain America
My char #10, Cormano had this wip some time ago, and look for me to code, this beta release is to celebrate the CVG Preview Week, still missing some stuffs, the most importants are::
– Kojunho voice
– Smart Pallet to bandana
– and Shield
More info about my wips here:
ZVitor – Infinitywiki
Download here:
Isaiah Bradley
Is us on the tape brother!.