© 2013/2017 brazilmugenteam.com - Doom, O Ilusionista & Jhfer
Project version: 2.7.4 - January 2018
Avengers United Battle Force is being produced using Senile Teams OpenBOR engine. The project started as Doom's practice project, so he could learn how to work with the OpenBOR engine. After some time, he invited O Ilusionista and Jhfer to join him on the project and since then...everything has gotten much larger and now has become a full project :)
The idea is to pay homage to the original Arcade game which we all know and loved Captain America and the Avengers, our team will add new features, characters and will be a new interpretation of the arcade classic. Kudos to Data East and Marvel for the classic arcade game!
(But dude, seriously, the original game has a LOT of size issues... Juggernaut is almost the same size as Iron Man? No way. And why the hell would he use a bazooka? He is the Juggernaut he doesn’t need a bazooka, lol)
While we will use some gameplay elements from the original game, we have added many other features:
- All characters will at least have 2 special moves. Some characters will have more than 2 special moves.
- Each character will be unique in some way: The characters will have different values for life, attack, defense, power, speed and range.
- Some characters have passive skills (like regeneration), some will have unique skills such as flying mode.
- Breakout move (for dangerous situations), rise attacks
- Unique AVENGER POWER per character, like a Desperation Move. Consumes all the characters power bar but does a lot of damage.
Check the HOW TO PLAY menu for the control instructions.
Moves marked with "*" will consume players power.
Moves marked with "**" drains players entire power bar.
Moves marked with "==>" players will need to chain attack from the previous move.
+ A2 - Call a random helper (after getting the Avengers ID card).
Captain America
Real name: Steve Rogers
First appearance: Captain America Comics #1 (March, 1941)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Doom
Sprite rip: jin315
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "I never surrender!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 3
Defense: 3
Life: 4
Power: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Passive Skills
High Stamina - Special moves consumes less power
Natural Leadership - Recovers powers quickly.
Exclusive Skills
Shield Bash - hold A for 3 seconds then release
Master Tatical - Can grab and throw some of the obstacles (press attack when close to an obstacle)
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Flip kick
A - Jump attack
+ A - Dive Kick
A - Knuckle strike (2x)
J - Hammer Smash
Normal Mode - Palettes 1,2,3,4 & 5
+ A - Shield Crash*
+ A - Charging Stars*
Bucky Mode - Palette 6
+ A - Justice Shot*
+ A - Stars & Stripes*
Avenger Power
+ S - Rebound Shield**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Shield Crash*
S - Block
The all-around character. A natural leader, can execute many attacks before the powerbar is empty. Recover power quicker than any other character in the game.
Iron Man
Real name: Anthony "Tony" Stark
First appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 (March, 1963)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Doom
Sprite rip: Ragey
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista & Jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "Let's do this"
Power Grids
Strenght: 3
Defense: 4
Life: 4
Power: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 4
Passive Skills
Armored: Receives 50% less damage from slashing attacks.
Energy Conversion:It converts part of the damage from electrical and hot attacks into energy, recharging the MP.
Exclusive Skills
Flight (press S while jumping)* - Can attack while flying.
Controlled Repulsor Blast - Hold A for 3 seconds then release.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Shoulder Charge
A - Jump attack
+ A - Hover Attack
S - Flight*
A - Dive Attack
J - Land
A - Short Burst (2x)
J - Controlled Blast
+ A - Take a walk
+ A - Sky High
+ A - Ignition
+ A - Iron Avenger*
Normal Mode - Palettes 1-5
+ A - Repulsor shot*
+ A - Target Aquired*
MKI Mode - Palette 6
+ A - Fire Blast*
+ A - Target Aquired*
Avenger Power
+ S - Unibeam**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Target Aquired*
S - Block
- change direction
Can avoid holes, traps and ground enemies while flying, but it will drain his powerbar.
Real name: Clinton "Clint" Barton
First appearance: Tales of Suspense #57 (September, 1964)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Doom
Sprite rip: O Ilusionista,Yawackhary, Flavio Arruda
Sprite edits: Doom, O Ilusionista, Flavio Arruda & Jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "One beat down coming"
Power Grids
Strenght: 3
Defense: 3
Life: 4
Power: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 5
Passive Skills
Exclusive Skills
Arrow Select -
+ A or
+ A
Hawkeye can change which arrow he we will use. Each arrow has a different attack, velocity and status. Check how the arrow system works clicking here.
Charge Arrow - hold A for 3 seconds to shoot a free power arrow.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Dash
A - Slide attack
A - Dive Kick
+ A - Non-knockdown attack
+ A - Aerial Arrow Shot*
A - Punch (2x)
J - Rush combo
+ A - Uppercut combo
+ A - Kick & Arrow
+ A - Arrow Shot*
1 - Quick shoot
2 - Explosive Arrow
3 - Net Arrow
4 - Electric Arrow
5 - Freezing Bolt
6 - Triple Shoot
+ A - Rising Arrow*
Avenger Power
+ S - Beatdown**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Triple Shoot*
His slide attack can escape from many projectiles and knockdown enemies. Have a lot of arrows to choose.
Real name: Robert Bruce Banner
First appearance:Incredible Hulk #1 (May, 1962)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Doom
Sprite rip: Kaos
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "HULK FIGHT NOW!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 6
Defense: 5
Life: 6
Power: 2
Speed: 1
Range: 1
Passive Skills
Super Armor - Hulk won't enter into the pain state if the attack isn't strong enough.
Knockdown resistance - Hulk will take many hits before he gets knocked down.
Hulk Fight now! - Hulk arrives to the fight falling very powerfully to the ground, damaging all the enemies and objects nearby.
Exclusive Skills
Grab system - Hulk can grab and execute many moves while in the grab state.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Gamma Charge (many enemies can't block it)
A - Jump attack
+ A - Dive Knee (hits downed enemies)
A - Headbutt (2x)
J - Sweep hand
+ A - Hulk Upper!
+ A - Hulk Smash!
+ A - Back Throw
+ A - Spike Piledriver
+ A - Gamma Spike Piledriver*
+ A - Gamma Clap*
+ A - Gamma Stomp*
Avenger Power
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Rebound laser sphere*
S - Block
What else do I need to say? HULK SMASH!
Gamma Clap does little damage; it’s more of a way to keep the enemies far away. Gamma Stomp does a follow-up attack if it hits enemies which are far away from Hulk, otherwise it will just knock them down.
Real name: Thor Odinson
First appearance: Venus #11 (November, 1950)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Grim
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista & jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "Feel the Heaven's Wrath!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 5
Defense: 4
Life: 5
Power: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Passive Skills
Asgadian - Can't be burned, electrocuted or poisoned (still receive damage from the attacks)
Thunder God - His electric attacks does more damage to robotic enemies.
Exclusive Skills
Mjolnir throw - hold A for 3 seconds then release
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Dash
A - Mjölnir Dash
J - Jump Dash
A - Jump attack
+ A - Non-knockdown attack
+ A - Asgardian Dive*
S - Fly
+ A - Asgardian Dive*
J - Land
A - Hammer Attack(2x)
J - Hammer Smash
+ A - To the Heaven!
+ A - Heaven Drop*
+ A - Focused Hammer Blow
+ A - Back Throw
+ A - Jumping Throw
+ A - Asgard Punishment*
Thor Mode (palettes 1, 2 & 6)
+ A - Mighty Spark*
+ A - Mjölnir Rise*
Ragnarök Mode (palettes 3, 4 & 5)
+ A - Mighty Spark*
+ A - Mighty Strike*
Avenger Power
+ S - The Heavens' Wrath**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Mjölnir Strike*
- change direction
The son of Odin, the Asgardian God of Thunder. Great strength, defense and life, plus can't be burned or poisoned and receives less damage from burning attacks. Thor doesn't runs, only dashes. After using the move To The Heaven!, you can use Heaven Drop to do a cool aerial throw.
Real name: Vision
First appearance: Avengers #57 (October, 1968)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Beastie
Sprite rip: Belial & Jhfer
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista & jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by Beast and custom voices by HyperSonic92
Personal Quote: "..."
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 4.5
Life: 4
Power: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Passive Skills
Density Control Protocol - Vision is able to control his density and solidity. He can become a weightless, transparent, intangible wraith, unable to be touched by solid matter.
Phasing*: Can hold block button to lower his density and become intangible, but drains power.
High Endurance Protocol - Special movs consumes less power.
Synthezoid body - Immune to Poison, receives 25% less damage from slashing attacks.
Exclusive Skills
Flight (press S while jumping)* - Can attack while flying.
Emergency protocol (press S when you land from a fall or
+ A when lying on the ground) - Must be hit on the last frame, when he touches the ground. Press any direction to change where he will appear.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
- Run
A - Hover attack
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
+ A - Emergency Protocol. Press any direction to change where he will appear.
A - Dive Attack
+ A - Solar Jewel
+ A - Increase Density Protocol*
S - Fly
A - Dive Attack
J - Land
A - Punch(2x)
J - ?????
+ A - Front Throw
+ A - Invisible Throw
+ A - Solar Beam*
+ A - Illusion Protocol*
Avenger Power
+ S - Intangible Protocol**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Solar Beam
S - Short intangible protocol
- change direction
The bad-ass synthezoid. Vision has the ability to manipulate his density, you will be able to use this ability to escape and perform surprise attacks. Use Emergency Protocol to rise from a fall on to strategic spots.
War Machine
Real name: James "Rhodey" Rhodes
First appearance: Iron Man #282 (July, 1992) (as War Machine)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Ragey
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista & Doom (hyper)
Voices: rips by ONE WINGED ANGEL
Personal Quote: "Geronimo!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 4
Life: 5
Power: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 4
Passive Skills
Armored: Receives 50% less damage from slashing attacks.
Energy Conversion:It converts part of the damage from electrical and hot attacks into energy, recharging the MP.
Exclusive Skills
Flight (press S while jumping)* - Can attack while flying.
Shoulder Gatling gun - Hold A for 3 seconds then release.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - In your face
A - Punches (2x)
J - Front Kick
+ A - Repulsor Blast
+ A - Trash Dump
+ A - Low Shot
+ A - Gatling Gun Barrage*
A - Dive attack
+ A - Smart Bomb
S - Fly
A - Dive Attack
J - Land

+ A - Air Battery*
+ A - Shoulder Cannon*
+ A - Seek and Destroy*
Avenger Power
+ S - War Destroyer**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Double Missile*
S - Dodge
- change direction
Can avoid holes, traps and ground enemies while flying, but it drains his powerbar. War destroyer works as it did in the Marvel Vs Capcom game and covers the entire screen. Shoulder Cannon shoots a flammable missile. Seek and Destroy will hit multiple times.
Real name: Dr. Henry "Hank" Philip McCoy
First appearance: X-Men #1 (September, 1963)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Grim
Sprite edits: Doom
Voices: rips by Arch
Personal Quote: "Need an aspirin?"
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 4
Life: 4
Power: 2
Speed: 4
Range: 1
Passive Skills
Exclusive Skills
- Dodge
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Beast Dive
A - Knee strikes (2x)
J - Frontal Kick
+ A - Animal Stomp
+ A - The Trooper*
+ A - Feral Instinct*
A - Jump attack
+ A - Non-knockdown attack
+ A - Wild Slash*
+ A - Rolling Beast*
+ A - Feral Instinct*
Avenger Power
+ S - Shi'ar technology**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Power Trap*
Thanks to his amazing acrobatic nature and skill. Beast can perform some quick moves to escape, like a Dodge. Wild Slash works as a dive move. Feral Instinct will make an automatic air combo once it connects. Beasts Shi'ar technology will call a helper to fight alongside him. (only one per screen is allowed).
Real name: Pietro Maximoff
First appearance: X-Men #4 (March, 1964)
Coder: O Ilusionista & Doom
Sprite rip: Yawackhary & O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: Doom & O Ilusionista
Voices: voiced by Shockdingo
Personal Quote: "Speed is my game"
Power Grids
Strenght: 2
Defense: 3
Life: 3
Power: 3
Speed: 6
Range: 1
Passive Skills
High Speed - Can uses his absurd speed to dodge attacks and to attack enemies.
Exclusive Skills
- Dodge
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - In your face!
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Meteor Kick*
+ A - Tornado Lariat*
+ A - Sommersault Kick*
"Flight" Commands:
A - Dash Attack
A2 - Sommersault Kick*
S - Special Tornado (costs life)
J - Jump
==> A - Jump Attack
==> A2 - Meteor Kick*
- change direction
Avenger Power
+ S - Speed King**
THE SPEED KING, faster than any other character in the game. His attacks do not inflict much damage, but his speed can turn tables in a fight. Metor Kick will rebound once it hits, and you can execute it again once you rebound, making it a long aerial combo. Speed King can clear the entire screen.
Emma Frost
Real name: Emma Grace Frost
First appearance: X-Men #129 (January, 1980)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: Ens23 & Jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: voiced by Bei711
Personal Quote: "Lets dance...shall we?"
Power Grids (Diamond Form)
Strenght: 2 (5)
Defense: 2 (5)
Life: 3 (5)
Power: 5 (3)
Speed: 2 (1)
Range: 2 (1)
Passive Skills
Organic Diamond Form: As a result of undergoing a body-wide secondary mutation, frost now possesses the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form. This transformation also alters Frost's personality, causing her to become rather cold-hearted and to lose her empathy for others.
Super Armor (Diamond Form only) - Emma won't enter into the pain state if the attack isn't strong enough.
Emma does not have access to her telepathy while in her diamond form, but in turn, she is immune to other telepathic powers and possesses Superhuman strenght, stamina and durability.
Astral Projection: Emma uses Astral Projection on her normal moves to extend its reach.
Exclusive Skills
+ S - Change Form**
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Dropkick
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Psychic Mirage*
Grab (Only in Diamond Form)
A - Grab attack (2x)
J - Knee strike
+ A - Front Throw
+ A - Back Throw
+ A - Old Rug!*
Normal Form
+ A - Psychic Mirage*
+ A - Psychic Seduction*
+ A - Psychic Bolt*
Organic Diamond Form
+ A - Diamond Drop*
+ A - Let's Dance*
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Astral Projection*
Avenger Power
+ S - Change Form**
By using Emma Frosts move to Change Form to her Organic Diamond form, she will turn into something close to Hulk - slow but with high power, high durability and she has super armor. Emma uses Astral Projection with her normal moves to extend there reach.
Psychic Seduction gives you the ability to control the enemies and make them attack each other, works only on organic life forms. Psychic Bolt will stun enemies, however organic life forms will only be affected.
Black Cat
Real name: Felicia Hardy
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July,1979)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Apocalypse & O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: Jhfer, Doom & O Ilusionista
Voices: voiced by Razzle
Personal Quote: "Spidey, where are you honey?"
Power Grids
Strenght: 2
Defense: 2
Life: 3
Power: 5
Speed: 3
Range: 1
Passive Skills
Probability Field Manipulation - Black Cat, at random, will be invincible while she is idle or walking.
Exclusive Skills
Dodge - or
Cat instinct - + J while falling
Back attack - + A
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Jump Kick
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Feline Sommersault*
A - Knee strikes (2x)
J - Frontal Kick
+ A - Double Impact
+ A - Back Throw
+ A - Cat Flip
+ A - Feline Sommersault*
+ A - Spidey-like*
+ A - Cat Scratch*
==>A - Double Scratch*
+ A - Final Scratch*
+ A - Cat Sommersault*
+ A - Feline Sommersault*
+ A - Feline Sommersault*
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Double Missile*
Avenger Power
+ S - Nine Lives Rage**
Black Cat is very agile. She can cancel her grab into her Feline Sommersault move and can chain her special moves. Nine Lives Rage is a short range attack, using her hook to bring the enemy close to her, she will unleash a sequence of attacks. May not work on all enemies.
Namor the Submariner
Real name: Namor McKenzie
First appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 Arpil, 1939)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: aug11aug (base), Jhfer (smartpal), O Ilusionista (new moves)
Voices: voiced by Tom Robertson
Personal Quote: "IMPERIOUS REX!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 5
Defense: 4
Life: 5
Power: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 2
Passive Skills
High Durability - Namor can't be knocked out easily.
Fire Weakness - Fire based attacks will do more damage.
Exclusive Skills
A (charge) - Bioeletric blast
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Dropkick
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Mermanus Strike*
A - Grab attack (2x)
J - Trident Stab
+ A - Front Toss
+ A - Back Toss
+ A - Merman Upper
+ A - Pool cleaning
+ A - Stand Aside!*
+ A - Atlantean Rush*
+ A - Mermanus Strike*
+ A - Geiser Upper*
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Dive into water*
==> A - Uppercut strike
==> J - Jump back
Avenger Power
Namor is way stronger than he looks and sustain a lot of damage, while being pretty fast. He doesn't likes to use his Bioeletric Blast too often. His throw moves can be used to crowd control easily. While Dive into Water, he is invincible.
Real name: James "Logan" Howlett
First appearance: Incredible Hulk #180 (October, 1974)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: O Ilusionista,Yawackhary, Flavio Arruda
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista, ENS23 & Jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "I'm the best there is at what I do"
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 3
Life: 3.5
Power: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 1
Passive Skills
Healing Factor - Recovers life over time
Exclusive Skills
Dead Horse - + A - Near a fallen enemy
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Dash
A - Cross Slash
A - Horizontal Slash
+ A - Vertical Slash
+ A - Drill Claw*
A - Stab (2x)
J - Double Slash
+ A - Uppercut slash
+ A - Back throw
+ A - Kick Launcher
+ A - Double Cut*
+ A - Cross Slash
+ A - Rising Cut*
+ A - Double Rising Cut*
+ A - Drill Claw*
Normal Mode - Palettes 1, 2 & 3
+ A - Tornado Claw
+ A - Rising Cut*
+ A - Double Rising Cut*
+ A - Drill Claw*
Ultimate Mode - Palettes 4, 5 & 6
+ A - Special Drill Claw*
+ A - Rising Cut*
+ A - Double Rising Cut*
+ A - Drill Claw*
Flight Commands:
A - Northstar Shoot
A2 - Drill Claw*
Avenger Power
+ S (while grab) - Fatal Claw**
Fast and aggressive, he is Wolverine. Healing Factor recover life over time, so you can wait while your life recovers. Fatal Claw needs to be executed from grab.
Red Hulk
Real name: Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross
First appearance: Incredible Hulk #1 (May, 1962) (as General Ross), Hulk Vol 2 #1 (March, 2008) (as Red Hulk)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Kaos
Sprite edits: O Ilusionista
Voices: rips by MGMURROW
Personal Quote: "HULK FIGHT NOW!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 6
Defense: 5
Life: 6
Power: 2
Speed: 1
Range: 1
Passive Skills
Super Armor - Hulk won't enter into the pain state if the attack isn't strong enough.
Knockdown resistance - Hulk will take many hits before he gets knocked down.
Hulk Fight now! - Hulk arrives to the fight falling very powerfully to the ground, damaging all the enemies and objects nearby.
Exclusive Skills
Grab system - Hulk can grab and execute many moves while in the grab state.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Gamma Charge (many enemies can't block it)
A - Jump attack
+ A - Dive Knee (hits downed enemies)
A - Headbutt (2x)
J - Sweep hand
+ A - Red Hulk Upper!
+ A - Old Rug
+ A - Jumping one hand suplex
+ A - Heat Touch
+ A - Gamma Combination*
+ A - Gamma Combination*
+ A - Gamma Tornado*
Flight Commands:
A - Triple shoot
A2 - Chaser missile*
Avenger Power
+ S - Armageddon**
What else do I need to say? RED HULK SMASH! But in red this time :)
Gamma Combination starts with a kick which leads to a random grab move. Gamma Tornado does multiply hits and can't be stopped unless Red Hulk receives a very hard strike. Heat Touch will burn the enemies
Abigail Brand
Real name: Agent Brand
First appearance: Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 #3 (September, 2004)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: Apocalypse & O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: ENS23
Voices: voiced by Razzle
Personal Quote: "Commander Brand, taking over the situation"
Power Grids
Strenght: 2
Defense: 3
Life: 3
Power: 5
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Passive Skills
Natural aggression - She can't block
Exclusive Skills
A2 - Enter/Exit Weapon mode.
While in Weapon Mode, brand can use many type of guns, but she can't run.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Jump Kick
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Death from Above*
A - Grab attack (2x)
J - Multiple attacks
+ A - Over here
+ A - Back Throw
+ A - Get Lost
Normal Mode
+ A - Blue Flame Strike*
+ A - Death from Above*
Weapon Mode
A - Shoot
- Hop
==>A - Jump shot
+ A or
+ A - Change weapon
+ A - Special Gun Shoot*
1 - Multiple Pistol shoot
2 - Time bomb
3 - Flamethrower
4 - Tricky Missile
5 - Aimed Shoot
6 - Energy Blast
Avenger Power
Brand has a huge advantage: she can use multiple weapons and attack the enemies from distance. Each weapon works in a different way. Remember Brand can't block while in weapon mode.
Real name: Greer Grant
First appearance: The Cat #1 (November, 1972) (as Cat), Giant-Size Creatures #1 (July, 1974) (as Tigra)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite edits: aug11aug (base), Jhfer (smartpal), O Ilusionista (new moves)
Voices: rips by O Ilusionista
Personal Quote: "Come and get me!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 3
Life: 3
Power: 4
Speed: 4
Range: 1
Exclusive Skills
- Dodge
Cat instinct - + J while falling
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Claw Slash
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
+ A - Dive Slice*
A - Grab attack (2x)
J - Double slice
+ A - Vault Throw
+ A - Back Slam
+ A - Frenzy
Tigra Mode - Palettes 1,2,3 & 6
+ A - Bad Cat*
+ A - Circus Roll*
Hellcat Mode - Palettes 4 & 5
+ A - Grab Hook*
+ A - Hell slash*
Avenger Power
+ S - Akuma Envy**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Double Missile*
Tigra is a very agile and ferocious character. She can combo easily, while avoiding attacks with Dodge. Cat Instinct can make her recovery from knockdown attacks. Akuma Envy will make mense once you see it in action.
Real name: Jessica Miriam Drew
First appearance: Marvel Spotlight #32 (February, 1977)
Coder: O Ilusionista
Sprite rip: broli1230
Sprite edits: Jhfer & O Ilusionista
Voices: NAMCO
Personal Quote: "Time to get serious!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 4
Defense: 3
Life: 3
Power: 4
Speed: 4
Range: 3
Passive Skills
Contaminant Immunity: - Spider-Woman's metabolism rapidly creates powerful immunities to all forms of toxins, poisons and drugs. Her body is totally immune to radiation.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
(close to the enemy) - Grab
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Running Attack
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
S - Fly (venom mode) / Web hang (web mode)
+ A - Spider Flyby*/Web Swing*
A - Dive Attack
J - Land
A - Attack
J - Land
A - Elbow strike (2x)
J - Jumping Knee
+ A - Double Knee Strike
+ A - Spider Hurricanrana
+ A - Bitch Slap
Venom mode (First 3 palettes)
+ A - Venom Blast*
+ A - Spider Spiral*
Web mode (all other palettes)
+ A - Web Grab*
+ A - Spider Spiral*
+ A - Web Throw*
Flight Commands:
Venom Mode
A - Venom Spark
A2 - Venom Discharge*
- change direction
Web Mode
A - Shoot
A2 - Triple Shoot*
Avenger Power
Venom mode (First 3 palettes)
+ S - Venom Storm**
Web mode (all other palettes)
+ S - Web Swing Carnival**
Spider-Woman is a quick and strong character and has two modes, with moves which works on a different way for each mode.
She can trap her enemies with Web Grab (a medium range grab move) and Web Throw (a long range trap move) or Shock them with Venom Blast, a medium range eletric attack.
Black Widow
Real name: Natalia A. Romanova
First appearance: Tales of Suspense #52 (April, 1964)
Sprite rip: Roket
Sprite edits: Valeri (base sprite), Doom & Jhfer (smartpal)
Voices: rips by ANC & Rafhot
Personal Quote: "Locked and loaded!"
Power Grids
Strenght: 3
Defense: 3
Life: 3
Power: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 4
Passive Skills
Exclusive Skills
Personal Arsenal -
+ A or
+ A
Black Widow can choose between 6 different power sets.
A - Attack
S - Special
J - Jump
A2 - Guard
Lying on ground
+ A - Rise attack
- Run
A - Running Attack
A - Jump attack
+ A - non-knockdown attack
A - Grab attack (2x)
J - Front Kick
+ A - Russian Dance
+ A - Rolling Tomoe Nage
+ A - Kick Uppercut
+ A - Indomitable Will*
+ A - Arrow Shot*
1 - Widow's Shot (press A for a 2nd shoot)
2 - Widow's Bite
3 - Trap Mine
4 - Hellfire
5 - Life and Death
6 - Korobeiniki
+ A - Graceful Dance*
Avenger Power
+ S - Locked and Loaded**
Flight Commands:
A - Shoot
A2 - Missile*
Black Widow is a very agile character, capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats.Widow's Shot can shoot twice and you can control the delay of the second shot, Widow's Bite causes more damage to robotic targets, Trap Mine paralyzes the target.
Locked and Loaded needs to be controlled and you have few seconds to shoot - one bullet.
Many people have helped us, in diferent ways. We will try to remember everyone who has helped. If we miss your name, contact me please.
Core code credits:
Game idea: Doom, O Ilusionista & JHFER
Screenpack concept & code: O Ilusionista
Core codes, template concept & code: O Ilusionista
Screenpack sounds: MGMURROW
Announcer: ShockDingo
Fonts: O Ilusionista & Prime OP
Rips from: Spriters Resource, SDB, BGHQ, VGMuseum, ShyGuy Kingdom, VG Maps, Jhfer and ExeLord. Really thanks, guys!
Thank you list:
We would like to thank the following people. And we know we will miss some name here, sorry if this happens:
Special thanks to: Zvitor (for having patience to teach me the very very basics of OpenBOR. Without him, I would never enter this new world), Rafhot (for many tips in the beginning), Jhfer (for having huge patience and making a ton of edits, giving us many ideas, for being our consultant and for being a great friend). ShockDingo, for the amazing work with all announcer voices!
Bloodbane, White Dragon & Lagarto (for their patience with all my messages, lol), DC, uTunnels , White Dragon and all the OpenBOR coders (for obvious reasons and help), ExeLord (for tons of sprite rips, again), MatMan (for the openBorStats), NX-Men (for the constant support), Beastie (for joining forces with us and helping this become a reality), Ens23(for the amazing edits), ROLEIMUGEN(for all the great support and for being a good friend),Cyrrus Anihilator, Jeffpr and Flavio Arruda (for some cool edits!)GODzilla for many helps with edits, Razzle, HyperSonic and Florence (for, again, helping with the voices), Lando, Eli Mit & Saint Judas (for fixing the translations, thanks!) Psykai (for many palettes), 16-bit fighter, Don Drago, Navs, Gate, Yin, Trexell, Maxman, Die In Fire, NSW25, Nedflanderuser, CountMont, Don Vecta, Michelle Amaya, Pu Du... everyone who supported us at the foruns.
Pierwolf, Mr. Q, Bwwd, White Dragon and Bloodbane, for being an inspiration.
Beta testers: Psykai, Rafhot, Zvitor, Jhfer, Die In fire, Bwwd, NickP, Lando, Loganir, Don Vecta, Erfbeto.
And everyone we forgot, sorry.
- Shinra forum, Mugen History, Mugen Free For All, IMT forum, Mugen Guild Forum, ChronoCrash, Atlas, Crusaders Cast, Mugen Multiverse, Mugen Imperio Latino.
Incidental Musics: Kevin MacLeod - Local Forecast - Elevator
"Ultra Polka" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) - Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
WINDOWS, LINUX and ANDROID DOWNLOAD HERE For Android, just copy the "avengers.pak" to the PAKS folder after installing the app. THIS GAME DOESN'T WORKS in WII or PSP.
TVBOX, EMUELEC, RASPBERRY PI, PLAYSTATION CLASSIC, MEGA DRIVE MINI, SNES MINI - To use this game on a build newer than the build I used to develop this game, please USE THIS CUSTOM VERSION.